Monday, December 12, 2011


New York never disappoints. When we got there Friday afternoon, we hit the ground running. Our hotel room wasn't ready, so we walked over to the garment district and picked up some chain for some future jewelry pieces I plan to make. When the room was finally ready, we were pooped because we had been up since 3:30am (drove to Philly and caught the train from 30th Street Station), so we took a nice little nap before our A-MA-ZING dinner. 

  Okay, once your mouth stops watering, I'll tell you what you're looking at. My boss in NY told me about this awesome restaurant called CO-OP because he knows the chef. Well boy oh boy did he hook us up. We started with some nice cocktails and THREE, count em 1-2-3 appetizers - lobster shooters, edamame, and ceviche tacos. After that, we ordered lobster tempura rolls (blurry pic above - sorry, I was just so excited to eat it!). The next course was "Spaghetti and Meatballs" - Notice there is no picture of that one because we ate it before I could snap a picture. But that was my fav, it was chicken meatballs over lo mein noodles! - Can it get any better you ask? The answer is YES. For the final course, dessert, he brought us, again, THREE choices. I can't tell you what is in all of them, but I will tell you, the one on the left is a homemade candy bar. Needless to say, that one was finished. We waddled out of the restaurant feeling satisfied and very lucky and thinking... "how are we going to top this? --- EVER?" Stay tuned for NYC Part 2.
xoxo Narissa

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